And Youre Telling Me I Cant Learn Anything When I Know Twin to Never Advertise Again

Having twins, triplets, or more than puts your pregnancy into a different category. With then many elements of the pregnancy out of your control, it's important to do everything you tin to ensure an optimal outcome for you and your babies. Here are ten things to avoid doing while pregnant with twins or multiples.

What Do You Have to Give Upwardly While Significant?

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Take Risks

Woman pregnant free diving underwater

M Swiet Productions / Getty Images

If you lot're a fun-loving, audacious sort of person, you may take to concord back a bit during pregnancy. This is simply non the fourth dimension to try skydiving, mountain climbing or scuba diving. Any activity that puts you at run a risk likewise puts the two, three or more than lives growing inside y'all in damage's style.

With your body busy building the babies, you won't have your usual stamina and agility, anyway. Save the gamble for afterward.


Eat Also Footling

Black pregnant woman eating peanut butter in kitchen

JGI/Jamie Grill / Getty Images

You've heard the phrase "eating for two" during pregnancy. If yous're having multiples, you are literally eating for three or more.

While it is a not bad time to implement a good for you approach to eating, it is non a good idea to beginning a diet or restrict your food intake in any mode. You need about 300 extra calories per babe per day, and so fill upwards your plate!


Eat Too Much

Pregnant woman wearing red vest top eating cakes, mid section

Gavin Kingcome Photography / Getty Images

Merely because yous've got a valid reason to eat more doesn't hateful yous should pull upward to the all-you-tin can-eat buffet with a wheelbarrow and totally gorge. Aye, y'all need to increase your caloric intake, only you've got to make those calories count.

Filling up on prepackaged food and empty calories does nothing for your babies... but it packs the pounds on yous! Choose the right foods: fresh fruits and vegetables, lean poly peptide and whole grains.


Become Dehydrated

Pregnant woman on bench drinking water, side view

Superstudio / Getty Images

It's non just food that y'all need more than of ... It's fluids, also! Your pregnant body needs lots and lots of fluid—water, in particular—to keep your blood circulating. Dehydration tin can induce contractions and the onset of preterm labor. It's a very real risk. Drink throughout the day, not simply when you are thirsty. Aim for 8 to 12 cups of water a day.


Exercise Excessively

Pregnant woman riding a bike

Steven Errico / Getty Images

Exercise is normally considered a "practice" for virtually women, but during pregnancy with twins or more, it can be a definite "don't." High impact aerobic activities like dancing or running put a strain on the pelvic muscles that concord the babies in.

Strenuous workouts can crusade yous to overheat and it stresses your heart, joints, and muscles. Talk to your doctor about what type of activeness is about appropriate for your situation and save the heavy-duty exercise for after the babies are born.


Drink Booze, Apply Drugs, or Smoke

Pregnant Woman Smoking and Drinking

JoKMedia / Getty Images

It's never advisable to potable alcohol excessively, fume, or take drugs, whether yous are meaning or not. When you are pregnant, doing so exposes your unborn babies to toxic substances, raising their risk of birth defects and chronic illnesses. Alcoholism and nicotine addiction are medical conditions, and your doctor or an habit specialist can help yous care for them.


Soak In a Hot Tub

Pregnant woman smiling in hot tub

Anne Ackermann / Getty Images

Sure, it sounds relaxing, but information technology's definitely not recommended. Studies have shown a connection between frequent hot tub soaking and miscarriage during the commencement trimester of pregnancy.

Hot-tubbing raises the mother'southward internal thermostat and can temporarily drag her temperature, similar to having a fever. That puts the babies at risk for anencephaly and gastroschisis, which are life-altering nascency defects.


Clean the True cat Box

Two greyish-brown kittens (Felis silvestris catus) in green plastic litter tray

Jane Burton / Getty Images

They used to tell pregnant women to get rid of their cats. Now we know that it'due south perfectly okay to pet and feed your kitty. Just stay out of the litter box. That's considering cats tin acquit a disease called toxoplasmosis that can cause nascence defects.

Information technology tin be transmitted to you if you come in contact with feline feces. You probably won't mind request someone else to clean out the litter box anyhow. Possibly they'll carry on that chore even after the babies come!


Go Overtired

Pregnant woman asleep in bed

Tetra Images - Jamie Grill / Getty Images

Your pregnant body is working overtime to abound those babies. In that location'southward not much energy left over for you lot to accomplish your daily activities. You'll probably feel pretty tired at times, and it's important to give your body the rest that it needs.

And then don't overdo it. If y'all're assigned some level of bed residue, take information technology seriously. Take your doctor'south advice and don't push the limits.


Ignore the Signs

Pregnant woman timing contractions in hospital

JGI/Jamie Grill / Getty Images

The risk of preterm labor and premature birth is very real when you're expecting multiples. Don't be fooled into thinking, "That tin can't happen to me." Know the signs and take them seriously.

Contact your doctor immediately if you accept any indications of preterm labor: cramping, backache, contractions, vaginal belch, low pelvic hurting or rectal pressure.


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