What Are Ashas Continued Education Requirements for Michigan

Continuing Education Units

All MSHA members are encouraged to participate in continuing education activites as a commitment to life-long learning, provision of state-of-the-art services and to maintain certification. An update of educational programs throughout the state can be found in each issue of theet cetera. Programs offering State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH/SB-CEUs) can be found on the State of Michigan, Department of Education, website. Options for earning ASHA CEUs are available on ASHA's website, www.asha.org. Additionally, specific information for maintaining and  tracking ASHA CEUs is available on the ASHA website.

ASHA CE Registry

Please remember that the ASHA CEU Registry will no longer use the SSN as the identification number for CE Registry accounts effective January 1, 2010. ASHA account numbers will now be used exclusively as a means of identification of our Registry users.

We urge all CE Registry users to carry their account numbers with them to use when completing the CE Registry Participant form. Please see the helpful tips listed below to help you remember your account number. We ask that you fill in the required information, including your ASHA number, completely and legibly. If you do not have your ASHA account number while filling out a form, you may call ASHA's Action Center at 800.498.2071 during normal business hours (M-F, 8:30 - 5:00 p.m. EST) to obtain your number. Please DO NOT write your SSN on the form.

Here are a few tips to aid you in having your ASHA account number handy at all times:

  1. Cut the address label off an ASHAleader and store it in your wallet or purse. It has your ASHA ID number on it.
  2. Store your ASHA ID number in your cell phone under contacts: ASHA number.
  3. Write your ASHA ID number inside the cover of a notebook and bring the notebook with you as your note-taking paper for all CE activities.
  4. Carry your ASHA card with your driver's license in your wallet.

MSHA is a Provider of Both ASHA and State Board of Education CEUs

Continuing Professional Development works in conjunction with ASHA and the State Board of Education in order to provide Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for our MSHA members.

ASHA CEUs  are available at our annual conference. MSHA also co-sponsors ASHA CEUs for conferences and workshops offered by professional organizatins that are not ASHA CEU providers.

Earning Continuing Maintenance Hours (CMHs)

One easy way to earn CMHs is to attend the upcoming ASHA Annual Convention in Orlando. The ASHA Convention is one of your best opportunities to earn continuing education credit to maintain your CCC and state license.

Here are a few other easy ways to earn CMHs:

  • successfully complete self-studies offered through ASHA's Special Interest Groups' Perspectives
  • subscribe to various ASHA continuing education activities
  • participate in employer-sponsored in-service activities
  • complete college or university course work

Subscribing to the ASHA CE Registry is easy, too. The Registry helps annual subscribers track and document ASHA CEUs earned, and it will automatically notify ASHA Certification Maintenance on your behalf once 30 CMHs (3 ASHA CEUs) have been accumulated during your maintenance interval.

Don't wait—submit your Compliance Form as soon as you've completed the 30 CMHs.

As always, we are available to help. If you have any questions about the certification maintenance requirements, please contact the ASHA Action Center at 800-498-2071 and ask to be connected to your certification manager or send an e-mail to certificationmaintenance@asha.org.

Maintaining Continuing Education Units

 ASHA has two forms that can help you maintain your Continuing Education Units. The Verification of Attendance and the Certification Maintenance Record Keeping  are on the ASHA website.

The Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association is approved by the Continuing Education Board of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) to provide continuing education activities in speech-language pathology and audiology. MSHA is also approved by the Michigan State Board of Education to sponsor continuing education activities in speech-language pathology and audiology. ASHA CE Provider approval does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products or clinicial procedures. The above promotional paragraph and ASHA CE logo are always included in promotional materials of activities offering ASHA CEUs.

  • MSHA requires only a $10.00 yearly fee for processing CEUs.
  • ASHA fees are $24.00 per year.


Source: https://www.michiganspeechhearing.org/redesign/professional_development.php

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